It is advisable to not use the functions present on many PTCs such as Rented Referrals (RR) or the purchase of ADpacks which are only scams.

Big changes in Dualmine, why don't you grasp this opportunity to make huge profits


Sign up: Here

The own crypto of Dualmine CRT was released on Exchange and you can start trading! If you don't have an account please sign up now: >>REGISTRATION<<

* Great news! CRT officially verified on Etherscan! >CRT Verified<  

** If you don't know how to payout CRT please check this tutorial here: >Payout<

*** If you don't know how to trade CRT please check this tutorial here: >Exchange<

- You can add CRT wallet address from exchange to your Profile section and you will get your payout directly on exchange ready to convert into BTC and then ETH , LTC , DOGE, or what you want!

- You can send CRT payment for your hash power order directly from your exchange account.

- You can buy cheap CRT on exchange and Hodl after price will increase and sell with good profit!

- You have also a few days last chance to buy power with BTC, ETH, LTC, and others... Soon our order payment system will be updated to only one CRT payment method, so it's mean that everyone who wants to buy hash power on Dualmine site will also need to get CRT first to pay for the new order. The only available way to buy CRT will be on this exchange so it's mean from the users who have CRT. 

It's time for smart people and smart moves... and it's the best moment to buy cheaper power and make a bigger profits. It's also the perfect time to hold your CRT or buying more.

Sign up: Here

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